As I type the rain is softly falling playing a lovely cadence on the tin roof. It sounds beautiful, but even as I listen to it I dread the consequences that it will bring...muddy pathways, wet laundry, and disappointment to the eyes of little boys who so love to jump in puddles. However, without that rain I wouldn't have this majestic glimpse of what Eden must have looked like when it was tended and loved by the Father's hand.
I can only imagine that after hearing Jesus preach many turned away and went back to their homes to live their lives just as they had before. Sure, He was interesting to listen to at first, and they enjoyed seeing His miracles, but Jesus was not a flashy magician who came to play with the emotions of the people. His words probed deeper than the surface into the depth of their hearts.
When teaching I used this same passage many times to help the children understand that because they are born sinners they have a natural desire to do what is wrong, but goodness is a trait that must be developed. If you were seeking to find a treasure like a precious pearl, you don't look just anywhere. A treasure like that takes time to mature.
If you could see the treasure within your heart what would it look like? Would it be dirty, dark, smelly, broken and cast aside, or shining reflecting the radiant light of God. If I invited you to my home to see my most valuable treasure what would you think of me if you saw it tossed into a mud puddle in the yard where my children play? I would be ashamed to show it to you after speaking so highly of its value and esteem. If I really valued it I would take the time to care for it.
We have a great treasure in Christ! His Word is the principal foundation of our lives. If we do not remain rooted and grounded in Him we will be driven and tossed by the storms of this life.
I want my treasure, the treasure of my heart, to be as good, as brilliant, and as rich as it possibly can be. And in order to attain that goal, I know that many times I will need to polish, clean, shine, and remove any dirt that would want to remain hidden in the corner.
How embarrassing it is when my mouth speaks and the words that come out do not please the Lord. My prayer is for God to help me take root in His Word, to allow the Spirit to be my daily guide, and to proclaim the hope that is only found in Christ.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.Galatians 6:9