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Friday, November 9, 2012

Finishing up GMG study on Colossians

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"And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." I John 2:17
 What an amazing 8 weeks this has been studying the book of Colossians!  God has taught me much through it and my thanks goes out to Good Morning Girls for organizing this study.  If you've never experience a GMG Bible study, I encourage you to join up for the next one.  Starting November 12th, the materials will be available for a 4 week Advent study, starting right after Thanksgiving and finishing up before Christmas.  What a perfect time to study God's Word focusing on Christ.  After all, the reason to give thanks and celebrate is that He came and gave His life for us!

 The part that spoke to me from today's final passage in Colossians was Paul's message to Archippus in verse 17, "And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it." 
He was encouraging him to fulfill the ministry he had been given as God would want him to.   Some authors think that he might have been the son of Philemon and that his task was to help Onesimus be received back into Philemon's house.  Regardless of what his task was, his real responsibility was to obey God's leading in his life.

Paul, who probably had every reason to give up and quit, did not, and he encouraged others to do the same. He gave John Mark a second chance and knew that the most important thing we can do with our lives is obey God's calling to reach the lost. 

Man-made ministry will come and go, but God's will abides.

 As my husband and I travel on deputation to return to Peru it is so easy to look around us and get discouraged.  This passage immediately reminded me that we have received a ministry from the Lord, and part of fulfilling the calling that God has placed on our lives is this phase of deputation.  Although it is not our ultimate goal nor our final destination, it is God's will for us right now.

No matter what the difficulties may be in doing what God has called you to do, know this, "It's not in vain!"  If we truly keep our hearts focused on Jesus, as the next Bible study promotes, then it will be easy for our actions to line up with His will.

Keep growing in the Word day by day!


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